The Fourth of July. The best holiday on the calendar short of Christmas or Easter. Barbecues, picnics, swimming in the pool, ice cream and popscicles, parades, the fun never seems to stop! (And let's not forget the best tradition of all: Fireworks! Who doesn't love blowing stuff up?)
American independence. Does anybody realize what our country would be like if it weren't for those brave souls who wrote those historic words:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
We'd probably still speak in English accents, paying taxes to a foreign sovereign, and not allowed to own any firearms or weapons of any kind.
But now look at us. Because a couple of dozen men chose to take action for liberty and justice, our freedoms have been in place for centuries now, and despite their being under attack right now, they will stand.
This is an edited version of an essay I wrote a few years ago. It answers the question why I love America, the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave. I hope you take these words to heart. I love our amazing country, and I want every other red-blooded, freedom-loving American to think the same way! We don't have to agree on everything. That's not going to happen, but that's okay. We can agree to disagree, and not shoot each other over something stupid. Comment your thoughts, America.
Why do we love our great country, America? I love our beautiful country because the founding documents of our nation acknowledge and protect our rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. They are historical mile markers, and should not be ignored.
There is a very famous statement in a document that was drafted by our third President, Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence. This document was based off of Natural Law, which says that our Rights were bestowed upon us by our Creator, not the government.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The document that protects our rights is the Constitution. On this document there is laws giving us protection against the infringement, or taking away, or our rights. One of the sections is called the Bill of Rights, penned by George Mason. It clearly states our rights, and plainly shows that we are allowed to exercise them freely, without discrimination.
So, what exactly is Life, Liberty, and Pursuing Happiness?
The Right to
Life means that we all have the right to live. Everyone, including the
government, schoolchildren, patients at nursing homes, and even unborn babies
in their’ mother’s wombs have this right. No one, including the courts, radical
groups, and even the government itself, is allowed to decide when you will end
your life. God, the Creator of the universe alone, decides that.
Liberty means that we are free from restraint, and from governments controlling our actions. Here’s the obvious: The Right to Liberty does not mean that we have the liberty to kill people whenever we want, or rob the bank. We have the right to meet together, and practice whatever religion we want to, whenever we want, and however we want to do that. We have the right to speak our minds. For example, if you didn’t like what your State governor was doing about COVID-19, you could openly speak your mind, saying what you thought he or she was doing right or wrong. You didn’t have to fear about being watched by some terrifying Secret Police Force, and that you might be arrested at any moment on the street, just because you opposed your state governor. You don’t have to fear your wife and kids will be held for ransom because you didn’t want to pay your taxes. We have the liberty to write for a newspaper that isn’t run by the government, and the public isn’t banned from reading your writing! We have the Liberty to vote for who we want in any political office, be it Senator, Congressman, Governor, or President.
Pursuing Happiness is self-explanatory. You go after something, and in the act of attaining that object, are pursuing happiness.
You can’t really pursue Happiness if you don’t have Liberty: The Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Meeting together, Freedom to own a firearm, Freedom to choose what job you want to have, what you want to become, or Freedom to raise your children how you want to. You also can’t pursue Happiness when you aren’t given the Right to Live. If you have a fear of being arrested or executed at any time like in other countries, why would one be happy?
These attributes are why I love America.
Long live the U.S.A!
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